FAQ & General Policies
All are welcome at Newport Folk Festival and expected to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of protected categories like race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, body size, disability, appearance, citizenship or pregnancy. Discrimination, hate speech or harassment of any kind is prohibited.
- Parking: 8:00 AM
- Parking shuttles: 8:00 AM
- Box Office: 9:00 AM
- Gates: 10:00 AM
- Food, crafts and merchandise: 10:00 AM
- Music: 11:00 AM
- Beer and wine gardens: 12:00 PM
Times subject to change. Sign up for our email list to be notified of any changes.
There is no camping at Fort Adams State Park, but there are campgrounds nearby. Visit visitrhodeisland.com/hotels-more/campgrounds for more information.
There is no re-entry to the festival grounds. The Fort Adams Visitors Center is located inside the gates, providing permanent bathrooms and an ATM. Please pack accordingly for the day.
- Kindness
- Sunscreen
- Empty refillable water bottles to use at refillable water stations
- Soft-sided coolers
- Bags under 20”x20”x10”
- Blankets 6’x8’ or smaller
- Strollers
- Chairs under 34” high
Chairs under 30″ high are allowed outside of the no-chair zones. Chairs 30-34” high should be set up farthest from the stage or in designated shade areas. No recliners or footrests are allowed. If your chair has a shade cover, it must be left in the down position. - Personal shade tents will be allowed. Please use your personal judgement to make sure your tent does not impede on others. Space is first come first serve at the back of the performance areas.
- Canes and similar mobility assistance devices like trekking sticks are permitted as long as there are no metal points protruding from bottom, or concealed.
- Personal umbrellas in the event of rain, but must be closed during performances
- Point-and-shoot cameras are permitted, but cannot be used to reproduce the event and must not interfere with other fans’ enjoyment of the event. Be present!
- Medications and prescriptions
Over the counter medications are allowed. If you bring prescription medication, please bring a valid photo ID that matches the name printed on your prescription.
- Discrimination or harassment of any kind
- Bags larger than 20” x 20” x 10”
- Glass containers
- Hard coolers
- Beach umbrellas or beach balls
- Un-sealed beverages
- Alcoholic beverages
- Illegal substances
- Firearms
- Tools including knives, box cutters and Leathermen
- Pepper spray, mace, or any item that could be used as a weapon
- Flag poles
- Professional audio, photography (with detachable lenses) and video equipment are PROHIBITED
- Laser pointers
- Chairs over 34″ high, recliners and chairs with foot rests
- Chairs are prohibited in “no chair zones”
- Chairs with roofs and shade covers outside of designated shade areas
- Pets
- Plastic bags
- Plastic straws
- Selfie sticks
- Canes and Trekking Sticks with metal points protruding from bottom (or concealed)
- Drones: use of drones/UAS in the vicinity of any public open air event violates Rhode Island’s Uniform Aeronautical Regulator Act (UAR) and Aeronautics Regulations, constituting a misdemeanor.
Official Policies
- All sales are final; no refunds or exchanges for any reason.
- All artists, set times and stages are subject to change. All advertised acts have confirmed their appearance at the Festival. However, acts are subject to change without notice and refunds will not be issued due to artist cancellations.
- Events take place rain or shine. If severe weather becomes a threat and we need to interrupt programming, stage announcements will be made regarding safety procedures. Programming will resume when deemed safe.
- All persons, bags and personal items are subject to inspection before entering the event. Please review accepted and prohibited items.
- Any ticket holder that directly or indirectly interferes with the enjoyment of the event may be asked to leave the venue and may be subject to arrest and prosecution by State/Local Authorities.
- The event will continue to make every effort to ensure socially responsible behavior in order to allow ticket holders to enjoy the event.
- The festivals encourage a smoke-free environment and ask that you respect the health of your neighbors at the event and refrain from smoking in any area where it may affect someone else. Smoking is prohibited under all tents and inside buildings. Please find an isolated area if you must smoke, and dispose of your butts properly.
- Newport Folk Festival allows ADA* recognized service animals trained specifically to assist a person with disabilities at all events. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and are not permitted at the festivals. If you have a certified service animal, you will be required to have your service animal with you at all times. Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices.
Interested in being a volunteer? Please fill out our 2025 Volunteer Application.
Reach out through our contact page.

Important Safety Info
Please be prepared for heightened security. Safety is of the utmost importance to us. All attendees will be searched upon entering the festival grounds. You will need to empty your pockets, and have all your items examined. If you have an approved-size bag or purse (see Allowed Items), security will examine that as well. If you bring any of the items on the above prohibited items list into the festival, such items will be confiscated and discarded. Under no circumstances will festival management hold any prohibited items for you.